I am running for Johnson County Council At-Large!

Hey Republicans!
Click here!
(I won't bite!)

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Absentee ballot info, Voting dates &

Army Combat Veteran,
           independent thinker;
   Planting seeds of change in
                Johnson County!

Use of military rank, titles, or photographs in uniform do not imply endorsement by the Department of the
U.S.Army or Army Reserves or the Department of Defense.

My top priorities for our community with our existing tax base:

  • Improve public safety with road repairs, safer intersections, eco-friendly growth, and more pedestrian accessibility. 

  • Pay our government workers,  teachers, police, and fire teams competitive wages.

  • Start the 2019 Trail Plan
Why Blythe?

  • Army Military Police Combat Veteran

  • Experienced leader with creative solutions

  • Co-owner of Bargersville Wellness (small business)

  • Active community member and volunteer

  • Not your typical politician and better representing the majority of JoCo

  • Ready to break the status quo of government and the ineffective supermajority




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I     Johnson County!

Hello, Friends !


#ILove JohnsonCounty

I am a proud Army Veteran, Bargersville Wellness co-owner, Bargersville resident, and a mom to a future CG student! I have a BAS in Massage Therapy and MBA in conscious capitalism from Siena Heights University. At Bargersville Wellness, I work as an esthetician, massage therapist, and yoga teacher!

I want to work to improve public safety for all and how our community members interact with one another and our environment. I also want to increase accessibility, public and social amenities, and add safer connectivity throughout Johnson County!

Addressing the much needed improvement of our transportation infrastructure aids in public safety for all commuters and emergency workers. Addressing the increased homeless population in JoCo also will aid in public safety and quality of life for all of our neighbors.

Finally, I believe there is no greater threat to our public safety, health, and our collective wellbeing than ensuring our environment is safe and that we care for it accordingly. Everything we do today affects the future of our children and grandchildren and the quality of our lives as we age.

These issues, which are all under the umbrellas of public safety, should not be partisan issues but be considered self-care and preventative maintenance for the future of Johnson County. 



  Five years ago, I moved my massage and esthetics practice to Bargersville and opened Bargersville Wellness. From day one in Bargersville, I felt encouraged and welcomed by the Town Council, zoning board, and community members both as a business owner and a constituent so I am anxious to stay involved as our community grows.

  Since opening our business, I have graduated from Leadership Johnson County (2022) where, in addition to my experiences as a constituent with the Bargersville Town Council and committees, I was inspired to become more involved in our community, its politics, and growth. I am also proud to say that we were the first home in Bargersville to install solar panels. With that installation, I now have experience on the homeowner and business owner side of how interactions with how our local governments work and want to learn more.

  I am an esthetician, board certified massage therapist (BCTMB), and registered (RYT-500) yoga teacher at Bargersville Wellness, and I served on the Bargersville Police Merit Board in 2023. I am an (inactive until after the election) ASPIRE Johnson County Ambassador, a 2024 graduate of the Center Grove Ambassador program, and the Emerging Leaders Project, and the current class of Hoosier Women Forward! I am a member of the Center Grove Equity Task Force, and VFW 5864. I am also the White River 09 Precinct Chair for the Johnson County Democrats, a member of the Democratic Women's Caucus, the chairwoman for Veteran's for Indiana PAC, and an active supporter of, and participant in, several of our community organizations and non-profits.

   I walk, run, and play on our sidewalks, trails, and parks nearly every day and have a solid vision for how we can enhance and improve the development of our county. As a County Council member, I will work to use Hoosier Hospitality to keep the growth of Johnson County accessible, welcoming, and sustainable for new and life-long residents and businesses and ensure the community and its amenities are inclusive, safe, and accessible for everyone.

  In closing, I don't just live in Johnson County, I am always learning to be a good steward of our community. I work here, I employ people here, I grew up here, I play here, and I am raising my daughter here. I am running for County Council to  hopefully inspire others to become more civically engaged, continue to serve my community, plant seeds of positive, inclusive change, and make politics more accessible and a little less confusing for all of us, and that includes YOU!

lets connect!

Register to vote, check registration, or update voter registration here!

Click to visit my Link Tree and see more of what I have done in and around Johnson County!


Learn about the
JoCo Dems!

Hey, Republicans! Click here!
I promise I don't bite!

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ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.